Tips For Creating A Good Logo

March 16, 2023

A logo is an asset to every business. Logos can be graphic marks, symbols, or stylized type forms. They are used in branding and packaging design, and are also the first point of contact with your customer base. Thus, your logo should be memorable and unique, convey your brand's story, but still be simple enough to reproduce in various sizes and materials.

Logos are a vital part of every company, which is why logo design is so important! Thankfully, there are many options for designing a good business logo, including a simple logo maker. Of course, you need to consider certain elements in order to design an effective logo. Once you understand these tips, you will be ready to search for logo design online options before you know it!

Understand The Main Use

One of the first things you need to consider when you are creating a logo is the main use for it. Thus, you should consider not only what your company is and its industry, but also how you are going to use the logo. This refers to if you will use it online only, on letterheads, and more. It also helps if you consider who will be looking at your logo.

Think about some of the most recognizable logos in the world, such as the iconic apple and golden arches. Even reading those brief descriptions brings an immediate picture to mind for each logo. In addition, when you think about the specific logo, you also think of the products from that company, how they make you feel, and how they make your life better. You may even remember a specific time in your life that was defined in some way by the presence of a specific product. This is the gold standard of a good logo, and to understand the main use of a logo is to understand this aspect of design.

Uncover more tips for designing good logos now.

Keep It Simple

Elaborate elements can come with package and product design, but the first rule of logo design is to keep it simple. There are a few strategies for this. For instance, you can stick with recognizable shapes that represent abstract concepts in clear ways. However, this is easier said than done! Remember, you are designing for your customer, not yourself. While you may immediately understand the link between a computer monitor with a blue leaf, your customer base may not.

Keeping it simple allows for a universal application of your logo and branding. For example, you may be starting a skincare line, but using a simple, elegant logo design will also lend itself to expansion into a lifestyle brand in the future! In addition, if you want to incorporate typographical or monogram elements into the design, work with clear and readable fonts. If you are designing the logo yourself, check the licensing requirements. Often, type foundries will exclude logos from the licensing agreements, and you do not want to create legal drama when starting or revamping a business.

Learn about more tips for creating a good logo now.

Make Sure It Is Scalable

If you are working with a reputable, professional design agency, they will use software to create the logo file and make sure that it is scalable. This is a vital part of designing a good logo! Pixels are the small squares that make up screens and old-fashioned dot matrix printouts. They are a big part of graphic design, though there are also vectors, and a vector image will be scalable. This means that it will look the same when it is in thumbnail form on your business's social media accounts and when blown up onto a billboard. Thus, the logo will be clear and not fuzzy when you or others look at it. The overall quality of a scalable logo is high!

Uncover more tips for designing an effective logo now.

Consider Colors Carefully

Like the logo itself, the color in the logo will tell a story. Colors can influence how we feel about a certain product, even on a completely subconscious level. If you are designing your logo or when your design professional asks for color input, consider the colors carefully. You may love bright green, but it could tell a color story of jealousy. Reds and oranges are usually colors of dynamic leadership and power. Blues can be calming and reliable, and purples can be seen as mysterious, luxurious, or mystic.

However, the psychology of colors varies from region to region. Many cultures wear white at funerals, while others wear black. Thus, if your brand is international, creating iterations for different regions may be appropriate. It is also important to consider how colors pair with each other and to limit your use of color to two or three at the most. This will reduce visual confusion and maximize impact. In addition, a logo with two to three colors will render better should a publication or manufacturing process require it to be reproduced in greyscale.

Learn more about how to create a good logo now.

Remember Negative Space

Negative space is not bad. In fact, in design, the use of negative space is quite important! Simply put, it is the space without content, what surrounds and is between symbols and letters in your logo. One of the most effective examples of negative space in logo design is NBC's famous peacock. Think about the colorful, rainbow of plumes spread out in a tail-fan. Then, take that same shape but invert it, and it becomes the peacock's body. It is a simple and elegant logo that, even though it has gone through many iterations over the decades, is instantly recognizable. When designing your logo, remember the negative space and use it wisely. Using a cutout or repeat, putting words within a bold, graphic image, or creating a visual trick of the eye are ways to use negative space in logo design. This helps keep your logo simple and ensure that your logo is not too busy or confusing to the eye.