Warning Signs Of Nasal Polyps

May 6, 2020

Nasal polyps are benign and painless growths on the lining of the nasal passages or sinuses. They are usually shaped like teardrops and hang from the nasal passage lining. Nasal polyps are the result of inflamed sinuses. Common causes of chronic inflammation and irritation of the nasal passages and sinuses are allergies, infections, asthma, and immune system disorders.

No one likes dealing with nasal polyps. They cause many uncomfortable symptoms and make lives difficult as a result. This is why many patients turn to treatments for nasal polyps. There are many nasal polyps natural treatment options out there. Patients with allergies often turn to allergic rhinitis spray. Nasal spray for sinus pressure is also common. Some patients may even require a saline nasal spray for congestion to treat their nasal polyps.

Persistent Stuffiness

Persistent stuffiness in the nose and sinuses is a serious warning sign of nasal polyps. In fact, it is a common trigger for these polyps to develop in the first place. Nasal polyps are almost always accompanied by chronic sinusitis, which occurs when a patient’s sinuses have been inflamed for at least 12 weeks. One of the key signs of chronic sinusitis is a stuffy nose that will not disappear. Patients with both chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps will experience other serious warning signs. These include upper teeth pain, frequent headaches, a runny nose, chronic nosebleeds, and facial pain. These symptoms, along with others, are discussed in more detail in this article.

Uncover information on how sinus infections are both a cause and warning sign of nasal polyps next.

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Sinus Infections

Sinus infections are both a cause of nasal polyps as well as a major warning sign of them. In most cases, chronic sinusitis is the culprit. Remember, chronic sinusitis occurs when a sinus infection lasts for more than 12 weeks. However, it is vital to note that frequent cases of acute sinusitis can also indicate nasal polyps. Acute cases are shorter in duration, but if patients only have brief periods of relief without acute sinusitis before getting another case, they may still have nasal polyps. Patients with sinus infections will deal with a high fever, chronic coughing, postnasal drip, as well as headaches and facial pain, in addition to their stuffiness.

Get more details on the warning signs linked to nasal polyps now.

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Postnasal Drip

When a healthy individual’s body produces mucus, it normally does not cause any issues. However, excess mucus is supposed to run out of the nose. This is not the case when nasal polyps are blocking the nose. A blockage due to nasal polyps produces what is known as postnasal drip, which is where the body produces excessive amounts of mucus, and instead of it flowing out of the nose, it flows down the back of the throat. Postnasal drip is commonly linked with several common causes of nasal polyps as well, including frequent sinus infections, allergies, and the common cold. This is why it is a serious warning sign of polyps.

This occurs more frequently with nasal polyps because there is no other escape for the excess mucus. When all of the mucus is flowing down the throat, it cannot mix with saliva and be swallowed the way it normally would be. This is why individuals notice postnasal drip.

Discover more on how mucus can cause signs of nasal polyps now.

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Runny Nose

Once again, sinus infections account for yet another warning sign of nasal polyps. When the nasal passages and sinuses are inflamed and infected, the patient’s body will produce excessive mucus. Although postnasal drip is more common, this mucus can run down the nose if the polyps are small enough to allow mucus through. When polyps and infections are present, the mucus will often be thicker, which is why patients notice their runny nose. It is a very uncomfortable and annoying feeling. It is also worth noting that a runny nose can also cause nasal polyps if it persists for more than three weeks.

Uncover information on what compromised senses are warning signs of nasal polyps next.

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Compromised Sense Of Smell

An individual’s sense of smell can be compromised for several reasons due to nasal polyps. Chronic sinusitis and a stuffy nose, for instance, make it hard for smells to reach the smell receptors in the nose. Smell receptors are sensory cells that are located in the nose, mouth, and throat. They help individuals interpret what they are smelling. Nasal polyps themselves can block smells from reaching these receptors as well, especially if they are large growths. Sinus infections, which are a common cause of polyps in the nose, also make it harder for individuals to smell foods and other scented items.

Get the details on the next altered sense that can indicate nasal polyps next.

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Altered Ability To Taste

Although this is an unusual warning sign of polyps, it is a serious one. It is also worth noting that a compromised sense of taste is often associated with a compromised sense of smell. This is because the two senses are so closely linked. When an individual cannot interpret what a type of food smells like, they will not be able to fully taste that food. They may not even be able to taste it at all. An altered ability to taste and compromised sense of smell due to nasal polyps also typically draws a patient’s attention towards their stuffy nose and sinuses.

Continue reading to reveal more serious warning signs of polyps in the nose now.

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Nosebleeds irritate the nose and can also be the result of preexisting nasal irritation. One of the symptoms of sinus infections, for example, is more frequent nosebleeds. Additionally, nasal polyps will further irritate the nasal passages, so it makes sense that this also increases how many nosebleeds individuals will experience.

The reason nosebleeds occur frequently due to nasal polyps is because the nose has many fragile blood vessels in it. Even slight irritation can break these blood vessels and trigger bleeding. Nasal polyps are usually present if individuals start having nosebleeds after a few weeks of inflammation in the nose, or if they suddenly start occurring more often.

Learn about the most common kind of pain patients with nasal polyps experience next.

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When headaches appear as a warning sign of nasal polyps, it is typically because patients are also experiencing chronic sinusitis. In these cases, individuals will deal with frequent headaches that feel as if they have increased pressure in their forehead, cheeks, ears, and along their jaw. Headaches due to nasal polyps are not usually felt in the back of the head. The pain patients experience due to a sinus headache triggered by nasal polyps will normally feel throbbing and aching. It is not a sharp pain for most patients, although if their condition is serious enough, they may deal with a stabbing pain as well.

Discover the details on what warning sign of nasal polyps is related to sleep next.

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Snoring is a noise triggered by air flowing through relaxed throat tissues. Air flowing by these throat tissues causes them to vibrate, which is what results in the often loud snoring sound. Although it is a hard warning sign to catch for individuals who sleep alone, snoring is a major symptom of nasal polyps if they are also dealing with chronic sinusitis. Once again, this is because of the nasal polyps blocking the nose and sinuses. Since individuals who have these blockages cannot breathe through their nose, they have to do so through their mouth, which is why air starts flowing by relaxed throat tissues at night.

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