10 Edible Plants You Can Grow Inside Your Home

February 3, 2017

There are many benefits to growing your favorite plants indoors. Not only do they clean the air in your home, but they also provide you with delicious, organic eats! If you do not have room for an outdoor garden, you can grow the following plants indoors even if you are short on space. The best part is you will not have to worry about bugs or other animals munching on your garden for lunch!


Photo Credit: Dreamstime

Rosemary can be grown by planting the seeds in a container with holes in the bottom so drainage can occur. The type of soil used should be a mixture of two parts potting soil and one part coarse sand. For every five inches of soil, add one teaspoon of agricultural lime to make it more alkaline. Keep the seeds in a sunny area of your home and only water when the top of the soil is dry to the touch.


Photo Credit: Dreamstime

To grow basil in your home, start by purchasing a starter kit online or at a nursery. Be sure the container is at least four inches wide with plenty of holes for drainage. Store your basil in an area of your home where it will receive six hours of sun each day. You can use compost tea as fertilizer once a month. Be sure to water once a day or when the soil becomes dry.


Cilantro harvest in the garden. Selective focus. Photo Credit: Envato @yanadjana


Cilantro seeds or starter plants can be purchased to help you get started. Be sure to buy a container that is eight inches wide. First, fill the pot with soil and leave about two inches at the top. Place the seeds into the soil and water until moist. Plastic wrap should be used to cover the pot and seal it off with rubber bands. When the seeds have germinated, remove the lid. Water daily and store in an area with lots of sunlight.


Photo Credit: Dreamstime

Mint likes to sprawl, so be sure you purchase a container that is approximately ten inches in diameter and plenty thick. Fill the pot with potting soil and plant the seeds or starter plant. Mint will need to be watered regularly and needs to be stored in an area with lots of sunshine. You can harvest the plant by gently snipping a few leaves at a time. Never remove all leaves from a single plant at one time.


Photo Credit: Dreamstime

To plant one tomato plant, look for one six-inch pot or a larger pot approximately 12 inches if you would like to grow two plants. Start by filling the container with potting soil. Plant the seeds about one-quarter inch deep in the pot. They will germinate within about ten days. When the plant starts to grow, you may need to stalk them to avoid the plant breaking. Indoor tomatoes will not grow as large as outdoor plants, but they will still be tasty!


Photo Credit: Dreamstime

Scallions are ideal for growing indoors because they do not require seeds! To start, buy a bunch of scallions, wrap the bulbs together with a rubber band and place them in a glass with an inch of water. You will need to change the water daily to keep it fresh. When fresh green shallots appear in about one week, plant the scallions in a medium-sized container with potting soil. Keep the plant in full sun and water daily.


Photo Credit: Dreamstime

Lemons take awhile to grow, so if you want them to experience the fruit right away, purchase a tree that is already two to three years old. Make sure the pot you buy is slightly larger than the root of the tree. Put stones in the drainage dish below the pot to allow for air to circulate throughout the soil of the plant. Water regularly and use a spray bottle to keep the leaves hydrated.



Dwarf mandarin trees are best for growing indoors. These trees grow best when given fertile soil and lots of room with drainage at the bottom of the pot. Make sure to store the plant in a sunny area and rotate often. The soil will need to be watered regularly. Expect the tree to grow up to six feet tall. The fruit will need to be harvested as soon as they turn orange by clipping them or carefully twisting them off the tree.



You can grow an avocado tree from an avocado pit or seed, but it may not produce any fruit. The best way to grow an indoor fruit bearing tree is to buy a dwarf tree. Add sand to the bottom of a large pot with lots of draining holes before filling it with regular potting soil. Then plant the tree and water regularly. Keep the tree in a well-lit room with a tall ceiling as even dwarf trees can grow ten feet tall!



To grow carrots inside, purchase a window box or a pot and some carrot seeds. The container will need to be at least a foot and a half feet deep with drainage holes. Fill the pot or bowl with humus-rich potting soil and leave at least an inch at the top. Press the seeds generously into the soil and cover with a thin layer of soil. Make sure the soil stays moist at all times but not overwatered. Seeds should begin to sprout within two weeks.

