Guide To Choosing A Great Area Rug

March 2, 2023

Whether it is a high-end lounge, an office, a living room, or a fancy hotel, certain elements can improve a room's aesthetic and warmth. Antique furniture works with wall accents, lighting, and couches or sofas to provide a welcoming setting. More importantly, a room's atmosphere would not be as welcoming and comfortable without a well-fitting rug. Rugs can help transition an office or living room from a dull to a lively mood. Rug makeovers can transform a traditional-styled office or room into a contemporary space. Before you decide to enhance your room's appearance with an area rug, you must first take the right steps to find a fitting rug.

The process for choosing an area rug can be daunting, given the available options available on the market. The cost of area rugs can vary based on factors such as the pattern, size, color, and material of the rug. Thankfully, there are cheap rugs available. Some people may look at different shapes too, and consider rugs that act as a hallway runner. These tips will guide you through the task of choosing the best area rug, including buying rugs online, for your home. They are great tips to let you have an effective search for all types of rugs!

Determine The Focal Color

The starting point in home decor is to determine the focal color of each room. This applies to area rugs as well! Your choice of area rug should be based on the colors you love seeing and how you want your room to look. However, your color preference should not be the only factor to consider when searching for an area rug. The color of a carpet rug can define a room's mood and space, making it an essential aspect to consider. The color of the rug you choose should fit with the wall paint and furniture in your room. However, if it is a new office or home, you may want to picture how the color of your rug will harmonize with other items in the room. Visualize closely before deciding so that your rug does not dominate the entire room!

Learn more about choosing the right area rug now.

Consider The Appropriate Size

One mistake first-time rug buyers make is perceiving area rugs as room fillers. Thus, they may end up buying a rug that is not the right size for their space. A large area rug can make a room look smaller than it is. Surprisingly, a small one can do the same. Rugs are a focal point and can define how spacious a room is and how it feels. Therefore, people should consider the appropriate size for an area rug for perfect furnishing.

Average-sized rooms should have a space of between ten to twenty inches between a rug and the wall. However, the gap can be adjusted up to twenty-four inches if your rooms are spacious. Area rugs should be placed at the center of a room, and the space between it and the wall should be equal. Placing a sofa's front legs at the border of an area rug can make a living room a nice place for a chat. However, the best place to place an area rug in the bedroom is at the side of the bed. This allows you to step on it before and after getting out of bed.

Get familiar with more tips on choosing a great area rug now.

Look At Different Shapes Of Rugs

While no rule dictates the shape of a rug you should choose, an area rug should complement items in a room. An area rug should also echo the shape of the dining table or sofa that will sit on it. For example, a round area rug would be a perfect fit for a circular dining table. The same rule applies to a living room with a rectangular arrangement. The shape of a room can dictate the shape of a rug. For example, square or circular rugs often cannot fit well in a narrow, long space. Instead, the rug will make the corners of a room feel isolated. Look at different shapes of rugs available on the market and decide on which suits your space.

Read more about tips for buying an excellent area rug now.

Consider The Feel Of Rugs

Picking a rug based on style can be subjective. However, a rug should match the rest of your room and be part of your personality. It is easier to pick an area rug based on style. However, the challenge is choosing from endless possibilities already available on the market. Those who are unsure about this aspect can check online buying guides to understand the feel of rugs and the types out there before making a purchase. The feel of a rug is a critical attribute that can contribute balance to a room. A soft area rug, such as a faux fur rug, would work well for a bedroom. A rougher rug would likely work wonders in the basement or right around the front door where there is high foot traffic.

Uncover more advice on choosing a great area rug now.

Consider Using Multiple Rugs

Multiple rugs can create a visual statement and define areas within a home. They can also be customized into different design options. For example, you can use multiple area rugs to create a floor that features different shapes, textures, colors, and patterns. You can also use multiple area rugs to set off different spots within the same room. Five to six rugs with the same shape and size can form a patchwork effect and break up a room. Placing multiple rugs that are of the same size can also create a colorful floor. Multiple rugs could also be connected with unifying colors to improve curb appeal.

Different patterns can be used to create an exotic effect, provided the area rugs match the color of the patterns. Multiple rugs can also be layered by placing smaller patterned rugs on top of a large, textured rug. However, be careful with layering rugs even as you consider using multiple rugs to prevent tripping hazards. Also, avoid overlapping multiple rags because this can increase the risk of falls. Like a single rug, multiple rugs should suit their purpose in a room to make them not look distracting.